Connecting Game Studios and Affiliates.
Connecting Game Studios and Affiliates.

Heavily inspired by Web3 and instant games, Robospin presents an experience you control almost entirely! To build up your balance, you must guess what features a randomly generated robot will have. Set up the number of total active traits and those you need to get right for an instant win and see the game’s RTP, possible win value, and probability of success adapt to your settings. Tune in to your sixth sense and hit play!

Enter the playing field and let the peppy chiptune hype you up for the battle – you are about to compete against a random robot generator! Hats, ears, arms, heads, bodies, and background variations are presented on 2 model robots, and the robot generated every round will be a product of their mixing and matching.

Robospin gives you total control of the competition against the machine: you determine how many traits, from 1 to 6, the designed robot should have, and how many of them you must guess to win. The RTP, possible instant win, and win chance values will shift according to your settings, providing you with a unique gaming experience each time. To initiate robot generation, tick the boxes next to the traits and tap the play button. Play many rounds with the same features or change them every time – it’s your call. If you need to give your inner detective a rest, you can enable the auto-select option, allowing the game to randomly pick the traits, running in line with your settings.

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