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Jade Rabbit Studio

Jade Rabbit Studio

Jade Rabbit Studio was established in 2018 by two slotheads with 30+ years of combined experience, brains full of ideas and unlimited persistence in achieving set targets. In following years the team grew by just a tiny bit and in the meantime managed to release a few games and start building up the reputation.

We love to see our games released and entertain the players, but it’s the production process that we get a real kick out of. Starting from concepts where ideas are more often that not borderline crazy. Followed by carefully crafted mathematical model, which is responsible for countless sleepless nights. Through aligning the art direction, when heated discussions and strong arguments nearly turn into fist fights. Arriving at quality assurance and testing, which we hugely enjoy because it’s the first time we see the game working, but then we quickly start to hate it because there isn’t enough coffee to keep us awake for all those hours of looking for bugs. The joy returns with twice the power though, when we see our game certified and in the front lobby of multiple online casinos.

That’s what we love and that’s who we are. We are slotheads!

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